Warga Desa Bumi Harjo BU Sepakat Dukung Elisa, Ini Alasannya

Warga Desa Bumi Harjo, Pinang Raya, Kecamatan Ketahun, Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara sepakat untuk mendukung Calon DPD RI nomor urut 7 Elisa Ermasari.-Joss Hendri/Bengkulu Ekspress-

Bumi Harjo Bu Village Residents Agree to Support Elisa, Here's the Reason

HARIANBE- Residents of Bumi Harjo Village, Pinang Raya, Ketahun District, North Bengkulu Regency agreed to support DPD RI Candidate number 7 Elisa Ermasari.


This was stated by Elisa's Campaigner (Jurkam), Sudi S Simarmata, Tuesday 16 January 2024 in Bumi Harjo Village.


"Residents, especially women, have agreed to support Elisa Ermasari to be elected as DPD RI from the electoral district of Bengkulu Province in the political contest on February 14," said Sudi optimistically.


Not only that, he also believes that those who support Elisa are not only individuals, but also the entire household of every citizen who has the right to vote.


"We believe that, because Elisa is a DPD RI candidate who has actually worked in North Bengkulu Regency," said Sudi.


Meanwhile, Elisa Ermasari, during a meeting and gathering with her constituents, invited everyone present to help maximize outreach to neighbors and relatives to vote for her.


"Are you ready to help Elisa?" Elisa asked. "We are ready to help Elisa," answered residents who attended the meeting.

