Warga Desa Bumi Harjo BU Sepakat Dukung Elisa, Ini Alasannya

Warga Desa Bumi Harjo, Pinang Raya, Kecamatan Ketahun, Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara sepakat untuk mendukung Calon DPD RI nomor urut 7 Elisa Ermasari.-Joss Hendri/Bengkulu Ekspress-

The enthusiasm of the residents was also visible where the residents were very united in shouting to vote number 7, wearing pink clothes, Elisa Ermasari. "Win, win, win," shouted the residents.


Considering that most of the people in the village come from Java, Elisa also invited the community to use Javanese. "Ojo lali yo Bude, Ojo lali yo Pak De," shouted Elisa


. "Yo, you don't care, ma'am... you're beautiful," answered one of the young men, accompanied by applause from the other residents. (*)

