Mantan Wabup Benteng Tutup Usia, Begini Sosoknya

Mantan Wabup Benteng, M Sabri tutup usia, Sabtu 20 Januari 2024 pagi,-Bakti/Bengkulu Ekspress-


He died due to illness and was buried in the public cemetery (TPU) in Kembang Seri Village, Talang Empat District, Benteng Regency.


When he died, the deceased was 49 years old, born Kembang Seri 11 December 1974. His house was on Jalan Raya Bengkulu Curup KM 13, Kembang Seri Village, Talang Empat Subdistrict, Benteng Regency,


When he died, this man whose hobbies were hunting, off-roading, fishing and farming left behind a wife and 3 children.


He has a motto in his life, namely: Man must do what must be done with all the consequences.


The following is the vitei curriculum of the late M Sabri SSos MM




1. Elementary School: SDN 1 Kembang Seri 1981-1987

